Training is a process of building and enhancing- knowledge and skills for optimum performance in one’s job. Training has a practical focus and rarely do we find people who walk into a job with all the requisite skills and knowledge. Often there is a scope of training and businesses see training as an investment that leads to increased productivity, high morale, motivated employees and an engaged workforce.
For any business to be competitive, it is important that it has the right number of people with the right skills in the right job. For this we need to determine what training our employees need and this process is referred to as training need analysis (TNA). We at Excellential judiciously, effectively and efficiently identify and assess the gap of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA) - Current Vs Desired level to perform duty at its best.
With the right TNA we help organizations decide if the gaps are trainable or training can address the gaps, what is the business objective of the training, what is the learning objective of training, what would be the idea design and methodology of training, who can deliver the training effectively and at what level training would be evaluated.
Levels of Training need identification, we follow at Excellential:
Organizational Need- Industry Level, Need to Know Vs Nice to Know, Recurring and Required Training needs, Leadership, Talent Management and Succession planning need
Occupational Need- Attributes to perform job, job specific competencies, what is done and how will it be done
Individual Need- Critical Success Factors of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes- mapping of the identified elements for future needs
Techniques for the Training need identification, at Excellential:
Job Analysis- Interviewing the job holder and immediate supervisor, direct observation, time sheet
Task Analysis- Breaking down daily operations into smaller components and analyze as to what part of knowledge or skills is required- what is done and how it is done
Skills Analysis- Post breakdown of task, we examine what skills and knowledge are necessary for task completion
Surveying- deciding on group size and levels, format of the questions for a broader perspective of KSA gap
Group Discussion and Case Studies- This tool is largely used to identify skills gap and competency level
Know MoreIf your organization believes in strategic learning cycle of its people and if you would like to know more about how Excellential can help you develop and transform your workforce. Feel free to connect instantly on Whatsapp: 9014784878
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