Every time you have to present – whether to a large audience, sitting around a table or to a group of colleagues or others, you have the opportunity to make a powerful and memorable impact. These others may be part of your normal team or they may be people outside your circle. You may not feel confident to stand up and present yourself in such a setting. But you are required to do so, and you are expected to be good. Presenting doesn't have to be a matter of life and death... ...although at times it feels like it.
What is the most common Presentation Skills issue? The fact is that for most people - even experienced presenters - getting up and presenting in front of an audience can be a terrifying and even phobic experience. –
Yes! The number one phobia that most people share is making a presentation; speaking in front of a group of other people: colleagues, strangers, it doesn't seem to matter - it's scary.
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