Focused Services

The quintessential myth that- ‘Leaders are born and not made’ get dispelled in our leadership laboratory. In a business world where, volatility, uncertainty and pressure are the norm, we deepen your ability to lead responsibly, quickly and effectively. We have the wherewithal to create leaders for the present and sight visionaries for the future.

We cater to all leadership formats befitting the business context of our client organizations and practice the situational leadership tenets most suited to the incumbent roles under the spotlight. Be it succession planning, elevation of existing managers into higher echelons of management or greenhorn executives transitioning into leaderships roles for the first time- we have a module just for you.

Today, getting higher yields per employee and adequate Workforce CTC to Revenue ratios are not the headaches for the CEO alone but form a core responsibility of the Human Resources function. We Partner with organizations to equip their workforce with requisite skills that help them enhance their performance and thereby contributing to positive business outcomes. Productivity increase is a function of in-depth job knowledge, a facilitating work ecosystem and the right skill set matching.

Under the Productivity Crest Tool we have created the template for creating inflexion points that lead to steep productivity gains. We give a holistic perspective to the groups/individuals that undergo the program such that they invent, innovate and produce output that is significantly better and far more than others. Our customized training programs are designed to enhance and develop both functional and behavioral-knowledge and skills.

To bridge the gap from theory to practice we have a special Classroom to Boardroom program especially meant for students who are poised to take the leap into the corporate world. There is a wide chasm of what is relevant in the industry and what MBAs learn at B Schools. In most cases the summer placements and internships are like children’s games or ivory towers- far removed from the actual grind of the workplace.

We make students of today evolve into leaders of tomorrow. We teach them what to expect in the real business world. Classroom to Boardroom is the one and only program in India that equips young students, transition seamlessly into business roles, in quick time.